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No, it's not over exactly, but the vaccinations and quiet caution seem to have quelled the dramatic effects.

We can begin to enjoy, albeit with that caution, a semblance of our usual lives. It is with some relief that we see the Lie-Nielsen factory begin to catch up with demand, with material resources and staffing being more readily available, meaning we can finally begin to have stock online for sale and with a reliable and reasonable time of delivery.

Added to this we have just completed some woodworking classes, not completely with full attendance and not with our usual aplomb, (it has been a long time between drinks). Still, we are back into the swing again, and it will only get better from here. 

South Australia is open again with a new Premier and a health team, dedicated to keeping the place open. 

So be assured that coming to Strathalbyn, which is a pretty town right in the middle of one of South Australia premier tourist areas, will be a great holiday break with the purpose to enhance your hobby.'

With the up-and-coming woodworking courses, we will finally have tools available for sale, once you have tried them out in the courses, definitely a bonus, and most certainly a real reason to visit.

Covid 19 - effects of Omicron
The effect upon Lie-Nielsen Toolworks Australia of the Omicron Strain of the Covid 19 Pandemic. ...
Ohishi Sharpening Stones
We are now getting these direct from Japan...
Owner Lie-Nielsen Toolworks Australia
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